So, I did it. I graduated. Well, technically I haven't- the hat and witch cape come next week, but I have a grade, a few letters behind my name, an empty bank account and an army of people fighting to ask that question loved by all graduates; 'so what are you going to do now?'
I would love to say I made the transition of student to graduate smoothly, maturely and with dignity. I didn't. I hung on to student life by my finger nails; I drank more cider than I ever thought I was capable of (and that is a lot), I smoked other peoples tobacco (what student buys their own?), I went to bed at 7 every morning, I crawled to uni meetings and I lived on pizza for three weeks solidly. And then the inevitable happened; I actually finished. Then, quicker than I could even think about things, I was back in Essex with my parents making appointments to sign on. A distinct fall from grace.
But things haven't been too bad. Whilst I am living, indefinitely, with the parents, on the dole and penniless, I have actually been doing some rather interesting things with my time. (But don't tell the job centre.)
My stay in Nottingham was cut short due to being given a place on the 'Interference 2010' workshop, run by Arts Admin in the east end. Over a week twenty individuals, working across the arts and activism came together for a week of mischief, pirate radio, self publication and intervention; blurring the lines between what arts and activism are, can be and ultimately can do. Over the last few months it has dawned on me that my work is political. It may be done in a tongue in cheek, humorous way, but there is an underlying social comment there. It might not be as loud and proud as activism, but it is most certainly in there. Somewhere.
So, I went out into London Town and made mischief. With the help of The Space Hijackers we bought spitalfields market to a standstill, under the guidance of The Vacuum Cleaner we gave the high street in Angel something to think about, a day at Grow Heathrow taught me a thing or two about permaculture, we turned London Bridge into a spectrum line, asking commuters to place them selves at either hope or despair, or even somewhere in between. And then at the end of it all we made a self publication. A busy busy, but amazingly enjoyable five days.
Combined with that I've been spending a lot of time down at Chisenhale Gallery. If you haven't been before, get yourself down there. Its an amazing space with a lot of really interesting stuff going on.
Last weekend it played host to a 13 hour improvised performance by Linder, a theatrical over the top amazement, exploring the role of the fairy tales and the protagonist.
But, whilst all of this has been busy, inspirational and most importantly fun, I am at a loss currently at how this will inform my own practice. Despite having all of the tools, a list of feedback and a million things to apply for I'm not entirely sure how do go about kickstarting this making process, or even where to begin. Maybe for now I'll revert back to the student way of doing things and just keep plodding through my mammoth to do list and leave the making for next week. Yes, that seems like a sensible thing to do.
Oh, and I still haven't found that pesky CRB. Maybe that should go straight to the top of my priorities. Or we could leave that for another day too...